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cache since v0.3.0

Saves result of the Query to some storage and allows to restore it back.


import { cache } from '@farfetched/core';

cache(query, config);

Config fields:

  • adapter?: CacheAdapter
  • staleAfter?: Time after which the data is considered stale and will be re-fetched immediately
  • purge?: Event after calling which all records will be deleted from the cache


Required field adapter is used to specify storage to save results. Available adapters:

  • inMemoryCache (default adapter) useful for caching results of the Query during one interaction with the application.
  • sessionStorageCache uses Session Storage, useful for caching results of the Query across tab reloads during single session.
  • localStorageCache uses Local Storage, useful for caching results of the Query across sessions.
  • voidCache never saves anything, never restores anything. It's useful for testing purposes.


Every adapter accepts settings for auto-deletion of the cached results by the following fields:

  • maxAge? - Time with a maximum age of the cached result
  • maxEntries?number with a maximum number of maximum entries in the cache
import { cache } from '@farfetched/core';
import { createEvent } from 'effector';

cache(query, {
  adapter: someAdapter({ maxAge: '15m', maxEntries: 300 }),


Every adapter accepts settings for observability of the cached results by the field observability:

import { cache } from '@farfetched/core';
import { createEvent } from 'effector';

const hit = createEvent(); // result is **found** and restored
const miss = createEvent(); // result is **not found**
const expired = createEvent(); // cache entry is **expired** and deleted
const evicted = createEvent(); // cache entry is **evicted** and deleted

cache(query, {
  adapter: someAdapter({ observability: { hit, miss, expired, evicted } }),

Farfetched provides a helper function to attach observability to the custom adapter — attachObservability. It accepts the object with the following properties:

  • adapter — the adapter instance itself
  • options — the object with Events which should be passed by the user to the adapter from application code:
    • hit — the Event that will be triggered on cache hit
    • miss — the Event that will be triggered on cache miss
    • expired — the Event that will be triggered on cache expiration
    • evicted — the Event that will be triggered on cache eviction
  • events — the object with Events which have to be triggered by the adapter itself:
    • itemEvicted — the Event that is triggered on cache eviction
    • itemExpired — the Event that is triggered on cache expiration
import { createEvent } from 'effector';
import { attachObservability } from '@farfetched/core';

function myCustomAdapter({
}: {
  observability: {
    hit?: Event<{ key: string }>;
    miss?: Event<{ key: string }>;
    expired?: Event<{ key: string }>;
    evicted?: Event<{ key: string }>;
}) {
  const adapter = createCacheAdapter({
    // ...

  const itemEvicted = createEvent<{ key: string }>();
  const itemExpired = createEvent<{ key: string }>();

    options: observability,
    events: { itemEvicted, itemExpired },

  return adapter;

However, we still need to trigger itemEvicted and itemExpired events in our adapter.

Released under the MIT License.